Workforce Wellbeing Using Spiritual Mechanics — How to Talk to Trees

Dr Nick "Schlomo" Stafford
6 min read3 days ago

Familiarise Yourself with the Concepts of “Spiritual Mecanics” and the Universal Language of Silence in Prayer

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Spiritual Mechanics & The Universal Language

14 stories

The Spiritual Mechanics of Angelic Influence on Localized Wind Patterns


In exploring the concept of spiritual mechanics, we delve into the fascinating intersection of spirituality and science, particularly as it pertains to the influence of higher-dimensional beings, such as angels, on our physical environment. One intriguing idea is the ability of these beings to affect localized patterns of wind, particularly in response to human meditation and prayer. This theory posits that angels can respond to the silent, mindful prayers of individuals, causing subtle movements in the wind and rustling the leaves of nearby trees.

Spiritual Mechanics and Universal Language

Our theory of spiritual mechanics suggests that the universe operates through a complex interplay of physical and metaphysical forces. In this framework, thoughts, prayers, and intentions are not merely abstract concepts but are seen as subtle energies that interact with the fabric of reality. The universal language, which could be silence or thought, serves as a medium through which these energies are communicated.

When an individual meditates or prays with focused intention, especially in a natural setting like under a tree, their thoughts can resonate at a frequency that higher-dimensional beings, such as angels, can perceive. These beings, existing in a higher-dimensional space, can influence the physical realm by manipulating these subtle energies. The result could be localized movements in the wind, causing the leaves of the tree to rustle in response to the prayers.

The Shekinah and Collective Prayer

The concept of the Shekinah, or the divine presence, amplifies in groups of people engaged in collective prayer or meditation. This idea is supported by the words of Jesus Christ: “When two or more of you pray, I will be with you.” When multiple individuals focus their thoughts and intentions collectively, the energy generated is significantly amplified. Holding hands and meditating together creates a unified field of intention that can attract the presence of higher-dimensional beings more effectively.

Practical Techniques for Communicating with Trees

1. Preparation and Mindfulness
— Find a quiet, natural setting with a prominent tree.
— Ensure you are in a calm, centered state of mind. Practice deep breathing to enhance mindfulness.

2. Group Meditation
— Gather one or more individuals who share the intention of communicating with the tree.
— Form a circle around the tree, holding hands to create a connected energy field.

3. Silent Prayer and Intention Setting
— Close your eyes and focus on your intention. Visualize your thoughts as waves of energy reaching out to the tree.
— In silence, mentally articulate your questions or prayers. Keep your thoughts clear and focused.

4. Invoking Angelic Presence
— Invite the presence of angels or higher-dimensional beings, asking for their guidance and influence.
— Visualize these beings as light or energy surrounding the group and the tree.

5. Observing and Interpreting Responses
— Remain in a state of quiet mindfulness, paying attention to any changes in the environment.
— Notice any subtle movements in the wind or rustling of leaves that seem to respond to your thoughts.
— Interpret these movements as potential responses to your prayers, understanding that the communication is subtle and symbolic.

Practical Applications

1. Enhanced Meditation Practices
— Incorporating nature and group meditation can deepen your spiritual practice and connection to higher-dimensional realms.

2. Team Building and Collective Intention
— This practice can be used in workplace settings to foster unity and collective intention among employees, enhancing the overall spiritual wellbeing of the group.

3. Spiritual Healing and Guidance
— Individuals seeking guidance or healing can use this practice to connect with higher-dimensional beings and receive subtle messages or signs.


The concept of angels influencing localized wind patterns in response to human prayer and meditation presents a beautiful integration of spiritual and scientific thought.

By understanding and practicing these principles, individuals and groups can enhance their spiritual experiences and connect more deeply with the natural world and higher-dimensional beings.

Through mindfulness, collective intention, and silent prayer, we open ourselves to the subtle communications of the universe, finding guidance and peace in the rustling leaves of a tree.

The Parable of the Whispering Trees

In a serene village nestled at the edge of a vast forest, there lived two friends, Lena and Aria, both deeply connected to nature and the spiritual world. Lena, a curious soul, was always seeking to understand the intricate workings of the universe, while Aria, calm and introspective, found peace in silent communion with nature.

One day, Lena came across an ancient manuscript detailing the art of communicating with trees through the principles of spiritual mechanics and the universal language of silence. Intrigued, she shared this discovery with Aria, who suggested they try these techniques together to see if they could truly connect with the trees.

Lena and Aria chose a majestic old oak tree at the heart of the forest as their focal point. They prepared themselves by finding a quiet, natural setting and practicing deep breathing to center their minds. As they stood under the tree, they held hands, forming a circle around it, and closed their eyes in silent prayer.

In their silence, they invited the presence of higher-dimensional beings, visualizing angels as beams of light surrounding them and the tree. They focused their intentions, mentally articulating their questions and thoughts, and sent these as waves of energy into the universe. They remained in this state of quiet mindfulness, paying attention to any changes in their environment.

As they stood there, they began to notice a gentle rustling of the leaves above them. The wind seemed to move in response to their silent prayers, swirling softly around the tree and carrying whispers through the branches. The leaves danced as if acknowledging their presence, and the two friends felt a profound sense of connection.

Lena, excited but calm, interpreted the movements of the wind and the rustling leaves as responses to their thoughts. She sensed that the tree, through the influence of angelic beings, was communicating with them. Aria, with her deep spiritual intuition, felt a sense of peace and clarity, understanding that the tree was offering guidance and reassurance.

Encouraged by their experience, Lena and Aria began to practice this form of communication regularly. They invited others from their village to join them, forming circles around different trees and setting collective intentions. The villagers found that through these group meditations, they could amplify their spiritual energies and feel a stronger connection to the natural world and each other.

This practice not only deepened their spiritual experiences but also fostered unity and collective intention among the villagers. They noticed that their overall wellbeing improved, and their community became more harmonious and supportive. People began to feel more guided and at peace, interpreting the subtle movements of the wind and the rustling leaves as messages from higher-dimensional beings.

The parable of the whispering trees illustrates the profound impact of integrating spiritual mechanics and the universal language of silence into our daily lives. By understanding and practicing these principles, individuals and groups can enhance their spiritual experiences, connect more deeply with nature, and foster a sense of unity and collective intention.

Through mindfulness, collective meditation, and silent prayer, we open ourselves to the subtle communications of the universe, finding guidance and peace in the rustling leaves of a tree. This practice not only enriches our spiritual lives but also brings us closer to the natural world and the higher-dimensional beings that guide us. In this way, we can cultivate a harmonious and fulfilling spiritual life, both in our personal lives and within our communities.

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Workplace Wellbeing Using Spiritual Mechanics & TUL

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Dr Nick "Schlomo" Stafford

Healthcare writer, philosophy, spirituality and cosmology. Retired psychiatrist. Photographer, author, journalist, husband, father, brother, son, Freemason ...