Understanding Your Spiritual Wellbeing — Workplace Wellbeing Using Spiritual Mechanics

Dr Nick "Schlomo" Stafford
7 min read2 days ago

Identifying Your Spiritual Early Warning Signs


In the journey towards maintaining spiritual wellbeing, recognizing early warning signs of spiritual distress is crucial. These signs are subtle indicators that there may be a misalignment between your spiritual core and your external environment. By identifying these early signals, you can take proactive steps to realign yourself, preventing further spiritual and mental dissonance.

Understanding Spiritual Early Warning Signs

Spiritual early warning signs are subtle indicators that suggest your spiritual equilibrium is being disturbed. These signs may manifest as changes in your emotional state, physical sensations, or shifts in your thought patterns and behaviours. Recognizing these signs early allows you to address underlying issues before they escalate into more significant spiritual or mental health challenges.

The Role of Spiritual Mechanics

Spiritual mechanics, the theoretical framework that explores the interaction between spiritual and physical realms, provides insight into how spiritual early warning signs operate.

According to this theory, your thoughts, emotions, and intentions create vibrations that interact with the spiritual field around you. Disruptions in this field can manifest as early warning signs, signaling a need for realignment.

(For an explanation of spiritual mechanics see articles in this Medium.com list:)

Spiritual Mechanics & The Universal Language

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Common Spiritual Early Warning Signs

Emotional Indicators

  • Unexplained feelings of sadness, anxiety, or restlessness.
  • A sense of disconnect or lack of purpose.
  • Heightened sensitivity to negative emotions or environments.

Physical Sensations

  • Unexplained fatigue or lethargy.
  • Physical discomfort or tension in specific areas of the body, such as the chest or head.
  • Changes in sleep patterns, such as insomnia or excessive sleepiness.

Cognitive and Behavioural Changes

  • Difficulty concentrating or making decisions.
  • A decline in motivation or interest in activities that previously brought joy.
  • Withdrawal from social interactions or spiritual practices.

Identifying Your Unique Early Warning Signs

Just as individuals have unique spiritual signatures, their early warning signs of spiritual distress can vary widely. To identify your specific signs, consider the following steps:

Reflect on Past Experiences

  • Think about times when you felt spiritually out of balance. What signs preceded this feeling? Were there any common patterns in your emotions, physical sensations, or behaviors?
  • Journaling about these experiences can help you identify recurring themes and specific early warning signs.

Seek Feedback from Trusted Sources

  • Engage in conversations with loved ones or spiritual mentors who know you well. They may offer valuable insights into changes they have observed in you during times of spiritual distress.
  • Be open to feedback and consider how it aligns with your self-reflections.

Monitor Your Current State

  • Pay attention to your daily emotions, physical sensations, and behaviors. Keep a journal to track any changes and note what might be triggering these shifts.
  • Regular mindfulness or meditation practices can heighten your awareness of subtle changes in your state of being.

Practical Techniques for Monitoring Spiritual Early Warning Signs

Daily Spiritual Check-Ins

  • Set aside a few minutes each day to check in with yourself. Ask questions like, “How do I feel emotionally and physically?” “What thoughts are occupying my mind?” and “Do I feel connected to my spiritual core?”
  • Use these check-ins to identify any early warning signs and take immediate steps to address them.

Mindfulness and Meditation

  • Practice mindfulness or meditation to enhance your awareness of your internal state. Focus on your breath and observe any thoughts, emotions, or physical sensations that arise without judgment.
  • This practice helps you stay attuned to subtle changes and respond to early warning signs promptly.

Engage with Nature

  • Spend time in natural settings, such as walking in a park or sitting under a tree. Nature can serve as a grounding force, helping you reconnect with your spiritual core.
  • Observe how your body and mind respond to being in nature, noting any signs of relaxation or tension release.

Using the Universal Language to Address Spiritual Distress

The Universal Language, which encompasses silence and mindful prayer, can be a powerful tool in addressing spiritual early warning signs. Here are some techniques to harness this language:

Silent Prayer and Intention Setting

  • Engage in silent prayer, focusing your thoughts on your intentions for spiritual alignment. Visualize your thoughts as waves of energy reaching out to higher spiritual beings.
  • This practice can invoke a sense of peace and clarity, helping to realign your spiritual energies.

Group Meditation and Prayer

  • Join a group meditation or prayer session. The collective energy can amplify your intentions and provide additional support in addressing spiritual distress.
  • Holding hands with others in silent prayer can create a unified field of energy, enhancing the overall spiritual experience.

Listening to Nature’s Responses

  • When in nature, close your eyes and listen to the sounds around you, such as the rustling of leaves or the chirping of birds. Interpret these natural sounds as responses from the spiritual realm.
  • This practice fosters a deeper connection with the natural world and the spiritual forces within it.


Identifying your spiritual early warning signs is a vital step in maintaining spiritual wellbeing.

By recognizing these signs early and taking proactive steps to address them, you can prevent further spiritual and mental dissonance.

Through the principles of spiritual mechanics and the universal language, you can deepen your connection to your spiritual core and navigate the complexities of your spiritual journey with greater ease and resilience.

Embrace these practices to cultivate a harmonious and fulfilling spiritual life, both in and out of the workplace.

The Parable of the Two Gardeners

In a serene valley, there were two gardeners, Maya and Kiran, each tending to their own garden. Both gardens were renowned for their beauty and abundance, but the way Maya and Kiran nurtured their gardens and responded to the subtle changes within them were very different.

Maya approached her garden with meticulous care, understanding the spiritual mechanics of nature. Every morning, she spent a few quiet moments in her garden, observing the plants and listening to the whispers of the wind. She believed that the garden, much like her spirit, sent subtle signs when it needed attention. By paying close attention to these early warning signs, she ensured that her garden thrived.

One day, Maya noticed that some leaves were beginning to wilt, and a few flowers seemed less vibrant. She paused, took a deep breath, and felt a slight tension in her chest. Recognizing this as an early warning sign, she decided to investigate further. She gently examined the soil and found it had become too dry. Maya immediately watered the plants, adjusted the shading, and whispered words of encouragement to her garden. Within days, the garden’s vitality returned, and the flowers bloomed more brightly than before.

Kiran, on the other hand, was less attentive to the subtle signs. He worked diligently but was often preoccupied with achieving immediate results. When he noticed wilting leaves or less vibrant flowers, he dismissed them as minor issues, believing they would resolve on their own. Over time, the signs of distress in his garden grew more pronounced. The soil became too dry, pests invaded, and many plants began to wither. Despite his hard work, Kiran’s garden struggled to maintain its former beauty.

One afternoon, a wise elder visited the valley. Curious about the differences between the two gardens, he approached Maya first. He observed her serene demeanor and the harmonious state of her garden. The elder asked, “Maya, what is the secret to the flourishing beauty of your garden?”

Maya smiled and replied, “I listen to the early warning signs my garden gives me. By understanding these signs and responding promptly, I can realign the balance and ensure the health of my plants.”

The elder then visited Kiran, who was frantically trying to revive his withering plants. The elder asked, “Kiran, why is your garden struggling despite your hard work?”

Kiran sighed and said, “I focus on the tasks at hand, but I often miss the subtle signs that something is wrong until it’s too late.”

The elder nodded thoughtfully and shared a lesson with both gardeners and the villagers who had gathered around. “Just as a garden gives subtle signs of its needs, so does our spirit. Recognizing and addressing these spiritual early warning signs is crucial for maintaining balance and wellbeing.”

He continued, “By understanding spiritual mechanics, we can see how our thoughts, emotions, and intentions interact with our environment. Disruptions in this balance manifest as early warning signs — be they emotional, physical, or behavioral. Ignoring these signs can lead to greater distress, just as neglecting a garden’s needs can lead to its decline.”

Inspired by the elder’s wisdom, Kiran decided to change his approach. He began to practice mindfulness, paying closer attention to the subtle signs in his garden and his spirit. He spent time in quiet reflection, engaged in silent prayer, and sought the guidance of nature’s responses. Over time, Kiran’s garden began to recover, its plants once again thriving and vibrant.

The parable of the two gardeners teaches us the importance of recognizing and responding to early warning signs of spiritual distress. By practicing mindfulness, seeking feedback, and staying attuned to our internal state, we can maintain spiritual wellbeing. Embracing the principles of spiritual mechanics and the universal language, we can deepen our connection to our spiritual core, ensuring a harmonious and fulfilling life, both in and out of the workplace.

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Workplace Wellbeing Using Spiritual Mechanics & TUL

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Dr Nick "Schlomo" Stafford

Healthcare writer, philosophy, spirituality and cosmology. Retired psychiatrist. Photographer, author, journalist, husband, father, brother, son, Freemason ...