The Practical Experience of Higher Dimensional States of Consciousness

NJ Solomon
13 min readJan 16, 2022

“Arjuna saw in that universal form unlimited mouths and unlimited eyes … there were many scents smeared over His body … hundreds of thousands of suns rose up at once into the sky … Arjuna could see in the universal form of the Lord the unlimited expansions of the universe situated in one place although divided into many, many thousands.” Bhagavad-Gita Chapter 11 verses 10–13

Crucifixion (Hypercubic Body) by Salvador Dali (1954), oil on canvas. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

In this article, we explore the practical application of meditating on the geometry and mathematics of higher dimensions as a means to understand the mysteries of the heavens, the physics behind the fundamental structure of the universe, and how our minds may have evolved to ‘tune in’ to this using consciousness. The author suggests a simple way to walk around higher dimensional spaces since these spaces have been built and are easily found and are accessible all over the world.

Religious description of higher dimensional experience

“Small? No, I could live in a walnut shell and feel like the king of the universe.” Hamlet to Rosencrantz, in Hamlet, Shakespeare (written 1599–1600)



NJ Solomon

Healthcare writer, philosophy, spirituality and cosmology. Retired psychiatrist. Photographer, author, journalist, husband, father, brother, son, Freemason ...