The Need for a New Universal Language for a New Art/Science Called “Spiritual Mechanics”. Tractate I — The Problem of Current Languages

A new framework for thinking about the science and art of spirituality and a need to create a new universally agreed language as a tool for greater cooperation between civilisations, religions, nations, businesses, economies, and everything else on Earth, in the Heavens and beyond…

Dr Nick "Schlomo" Stafford
8 min read4 days ago
The Tower of Babel. Pieter Brueghel the Elder (1526/1530–1569)


In the Book of Ecclesiates 3:8 we are told that there is, “A time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.”

But what if it didn’t need to be this way?

In this article we being a journey of discovery together …

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Then we shall begin …

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Definition of “Spiritual Mechanics”

Spiritual Mechanics is an emerging interdisciplinary field that seeks to bridge the gap between spirituality and empirical science, creating a systematic framework for understanding and integrating spiritual experiences, insights, and practices within a broader scientific context.

This field aims to explore the underlying principles and mechanisms that govern spiritual phenomena, facilitating a holistic approach to human consciousness, well-being, and interconnectedness.

Key Components of Spiritual Mechanics

Integration of Spiritual Traditions and Scientific Methodologies

  • Spiritual Traditions: Drawing from diverse spiritual traditions, including religious, esoteric, and occult practices, to gather a wide range of insights and wisdom.
  • Scientific Methodologies: Employing empirical methods, including observation, experimentation, and analysis, to validate and understand spiritual phenomena.

Universal Language for Spiritual Mechanics

  • New Language Creation: Developing a universally agreed-upon language that combines letters, numbers, symbols, and other core elements to facilitate precise and clear communication of spiritual and scientific concepts.
  • Transcending Barriers: Overcoming linguistic, cultural, and religious barriers to foster greater cooperation and mutual understanding among civilizations, religions, nations, businesses, and economies.

Holistic Framework

  • Cognitive and Cultural Dimensions: Addressing the cognitive and cultural aspects of human experience to ensure the language and principles of Spiritual Mechanics are inclusive and adaptable.
  • Inclusivity and Evolution: Ensuring that the framework is flexible and evolves to meet the changing needs of its users, reflecting the diversity of human experiences.

Applications and Implications

  • Conflict Resolution: Using the principles of Spiritual Mechanics to address and resolve conflicts by promoting greater cooperation and understanding.
  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Fostering collaboration between different fields of study, including science, art, and spirituality, to create a more integrated understanding of human existence.
  • Personal and Collective Well-Being: Enhancing personal spiritual growth and collective well-being by providing tools and frameworks that support holistic development.

Philosophical Foundations (also see later in this article)

Linguistic Philosophy

  • Ludwig Wittgenstein: Emphasizes the use of language within specific forms of life and the limitations this imposes on mutual understanding.
  • Ferdinand de Saussure: Highlights the arbitrary nature of the relationship between signifiers and signifieds, underscoring the challenges of cross-cultural communication.
  • Noam Chomsky: Suggests a universal grammar underlying all human languages, offering a potential foundation for a universal language.

Post-Structuralist Perspectives

  • Jacques Derrida: Explores the fluidity and instability of meaning in language, emphasizing the need for a dynamic and adaptable linguistic framework.

Goals of Spiritual Mechanics

Fostering Greater Cooperation

  • Creating a common linguistic and conceptual framework that promotes understanding and collaboration across diverse cultures and disciplines.

Enhancing Understanding of Spiritual Phenomena

  • Providing a systematic approach to studying and validating spiritual experiences, bridging the gap between subjective experiences and objective analysis.

Promoting Holistic Development

  • Supporting the integration of spiritual practices and scientific insights to enhance both personal growth and collective well-being.

Future Directions

Community Engagement

  • Inviting contributions from individuals and communities worldwide to refine and develop the principles and language of Spiritual Mechanics.

Research and Development

  • Conducting interdisciplinary research to explore and validate the principles of Spiritual Mechanics, integrating findings into a cohesive framework.

Educational Initiatives

  • Developing educational programs and resources to disseminate the knowledge and practices of Spiritual Mechanics, fostering a global community of practitioners and scholars.

Summary of “Spiritual Mechanics”

Spiritual Mechanics represents a visionary approach to understanding and integrating spirituality within a scientific context.

By developing a universal language and framework, this field aims to overcome the limitations of current languages and promote greater cooperation and understanding across diverse cultures and disciplines.

As an evolving field, Spiritual Mechanics invites ongoing contributions and collaboration to realize its full potential in enhancing human well-being and interconnectedness.

Tractate I — The Problem of Current Languages

In the ever-evolving landscape of human civilization, the quest for greater understanding and cooperation among diverse populations has never been more critical.

The current fragmentation of languages and modes of communication stands as a formidable barrier to achieving this goal.

As we strive to address the conflicts and misunderstandings that plague our world, the invention of a new universal language, one that transcends cultural, religious, and national boundaries, emerges as a necessity.

This new language, envisioned as a tool for the nascent art and science of “Spiritual Mechanics,” aims to foster greater cooperation between civilizations, religions, nations, businesses, economies, and beyond.

The Current Limitation of Languages

The limitations of current languages have long been a subject of philosophical inquiry.

Ludwig Wittgenstein

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Ludwig Wittgenstein, one of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century, posited in his later work that the meaning of words is deeply rooted in their use within particular forms of life.

This idea suggests that the diversity of languages reflects the diversity/epistemology of human experiences and cultural practices.

However, while this diversity enriches human life, it also creates significant barriers to mutual understanding.

Wittgenstein’s perspective highlights the inherent limitations of language as a medium of communication, emphasizing that language can both reveal and obscure reality.

Ferdinand de Saussure

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Ferdinand de Saussure, another seminal figure in the study of linguistics, introduced the concept of the linguistic sign, composed of the signifier (the form of a word) and the signified (the concept it represents).

He argued that the relationship between signifiers and signifieds is arbitrary and varies across languages.

This arbitrariness is a fundamental source of miscommunication and misunderstanding, as the same concept can be expressed in vastly different ways, depending on the linguistic and cultural context.

Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky’s theory of universal grammar proposes that all human languages share a common structural basis, rooted in our cognitive architecture.

While this theory underscores the potential for a universal language, it also acknowledges the complexity of creating a language that can encompass the vast array of human thoughts and experiences.

The Need for a Universal Language

In light of these philosophical insights, the creation of a new universal language for “Spiritual Mechanics” requires addressing the fundamental limitations identified by these thinkers.

This language must transcend the arbitrariness and cultural specificity of current languages, providing a more precise and unifying means of communication.

It should incorporate elements that facilitate clear and accurate expression of spiritual and scientific concepts, fostering greater understanding and cooperation.

A universal language for Spiritual Mechanics would not only serve as a tool for communication but also as a framework for rethinking the science and art of spirituality.

This new discipline seeks to bridge the gap between the empirical and the transcendent, integrating insights from various spiritual traditions with scientific methodologies.

By providing a common linguistic framework, this language would enable practitioners from different backgrounds to collaborate more effectively, sharing knowledge and insights in a manner that transcends cultural and linguistic barriers.

Philosophizing about the Current Limitations

The limitations of current languages are evident in many aspects of human life.

In international diplomacy, miscommunications and mistranslations often lead to misunderstandings and conflicts.

In the realm of science, the proliferation of specialized terminologies can hinder interdisciplinary collaboration.

Religious and cultural differences, often expressed and reinforced through language, can create deep divides between communities.

Jacques Derrida

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Philosophers such as Jacques Derrida have explored the ways in which language shapes our understanding of the world.

Derrida’s concept of “différance” highlights the fluidity and instability of meaning, suggesting that language is always in a state of flux. This perspective underscores the challenge of creating a language that can serve as a stable and unifying medium of communication.

In the context of Spiritual Mechanics, these limitations are particularly pronounced.

Spiritual experiences and insights are often deeply personal and ineffable, defying precise articulation in any language.

Yet, the need for a shared language is critical, as it would enable individuals from diverse spiritual traditions to share their experiences and insights, fostering mutual understanding and cooperation.

Towards a New Framework

The creation of a new universal language for Spiritual Mechanics represents a bold and ambitious endeavor.

It requires not only linguistic innovation but also a deep understanding of the cognitive, cultural, and spiritual dimensions of human experience.

This language must be flexible and adaptable, capable of evolving to meet the changing needs of its users.

It should incorporate symbols, numbers, and other elements that facilitate the expression of complex and abstract concepts.

Moreover, this language must be inclusive, reflecting the diverse perspectives and experiences of humanity.

It should draw on the wisdom of different spiritual traditions, integrating their insights into a coherent and unified framework.

By doing so, it would provide a common ground for dialogue and collaboration, fostering greater cooperation and understanding between civilizations, religions, nations, businesses, economies, and beyond.


The invention of a new universal language for Spiritual Mechanics represents a visionary response to the limitations of current languages.

By providing a common linguistic framework, this language would enable greater cooperation and understanding between diverse populations, addressing the root causes of conflict and misunderstanding.

It would serve as a powerful tool for the art and science of spirituality, facilitating the integration of spiritual and scientific insights into a coherent and unified framework.

As we embark on this ambitious project, we invite readers to contribute their ideas and insights, helping us to create a language that transcends the barriers of culture, religion, and nationality, and fosters a new era of cooperation and understanding.

A Parable for Reflection and Meditation

With Thanks to Guinness (not my sponsor) …

And for Kellogg’s (manufacturer of Pringles Snacks) Media Team in their Acknowledgment of the following article …

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Spiritual Mechanics

14 stories

Collaboration on philosophers who have read this article:

Received 16:06hrs BST, 30 June 2024:

“Interesting reading and I liked the Guinness Adverts and the music, and the YouTube presentations.

I surmise Wittengstein as understandable because he wrote his first paper Tractatus, then went away to work (away from high academia) as a teacher, gardener and developed an interest in architecture. So, having had some experience of work as a “lived experience”, he returned to Cambridge doubting his first work and being a strong critic of it. I admire him for that.

He then spent a long time writing his Philosophical Investigations repudiating the ideas of his first paper. Ah, Philosophy to me is knowledge, doubt and certainty?.

Meaning cannot be divorced from the activities and behaviour of the language user, for example, we make mistakes. Some people might use the word madness to describe a mistake — “you would be mad to do that” , “that is madness to pursue that”. Wrong use of the word mad, or is there so many meanings, usage of the word mad it loses it’s meaning? Who knows? I go round in circles with Philosophy!”



Dr Nick "Schlomo" Stafford

Healthcare writer, philosophy, spirituality and cosmology. Retired psychiatrist. Photographer, author, journalist, husband, father, brother, son, Freemason ...