Speculative Essay on Parallels between Neoplatonism, Modern Cosmology, and Higher-Dimensional Theories

NJ Solomon
6 min readJun 14, 2024


Exploring consciousness, the structure of the universe, and theorising about spiritual mechanics (how we attempt to understand the underlying laws, logic, and science of spirituality) using modern theoretical mathematics can offer new parallels to ancient Neoplatonic cosmology and our current understanding of galaxies like the Milky Way.

By examining higher-dimensional states of consciousness, mathematical models of spiritual mechanics, and combinatorics, we can draw connections to the Neoplatonic model proposed by Plotinus and modern astrophysics.

This short essay is founded on the author’s earlier speculative essays on:

Neoplatonic Model of the Universe

Plotinus’ Neoplatonism posits a hierarchical universe emanating from a single source, “The One,” through successive layers of reality: the Nous (Divine Mind), the Soul (World Soul and individual souls), and the material world. This model emphasizes a continuous emanation of divine essence, with each lower level representing a less perfect reflection of the One.

  1. The One: The ultimate, ineffable source of all existence.
  2. Nous: The realm of perfect forms and divine intellect.
  3. Soul: The intermediary, connecting the divine with the material, including individual souls.
  4. Material World: The physical universe, seen as the least perfect and furthest from The One. Though in its reality it is of course perfect. Just look at a summer rose, a bee flying around it and into the eyes of the person you love the most.

Higher-Dimensional States of Consciousness

The concept of higher-dimensional consciousness suggests that our understanding of reality is limited by our three-dimensional perception. Higher-dimensional states could potentially offer more comprehensive perspectives of existence, similar to the Neoplatonic idea of ascending through levels of reality towards The One. Also, in modern practical and theoretical physics, higher dimensional mathematics have been used to give us a closer model or theory of everything (for example: Kaluza Klein theory, Superstring Theory and Loop Quantum Gravity.

  1. Multidimensional Awareness: Experiencing dimensions beyond the three spatial ones could be akin to the soul’s journey towards Nous in Neoplatonism.
  2. Unified Consciousness: The interconnectedness experienced in higher-dimensional states resonates with the Neoplatonic idea of all souls being part of the World Soul, ultimately emanating from The One.

Mathematical Model of Spiritual Mechanics

Modern speculative models propose the existence of higher-dimensional beings (angels) governed by specific mathematical frameworks. These beings could influence the material world and consciousness, analogous to intermediaries in Neoplatonism.

  1. Angelic Beings: Representing higher-order consciousness or dimensions, they can be seen as extensions of the Nous.
  2. Spiritual Interactions: The influence of these beings on our world parallels the emanative process from Nous to the material world in Neoplatonism.

Combinatorics and Higher-Dimensional Spaces

The use of combinatorics and set theory to arrange mathematical arrays in higher-dimensional spaces reflects the complex, ordered structure of the universe, reminiscent of the geometric and hierarchical nature of Plotinus’ cosmology.

  1. Hierarchical Structures: Combinatorial arrangements can model the emanative hierarchy from The One to the material world.
  2. Interconnectedness: Higher-dimensional arrays symbolize the intricate connections between different levels of reality, akin to the interrelation of Nous, Soul, and the material world.

Modern Cosmology and the Milky Way

The structure of the Milky Way galaxy, with its central bulge, spiral arms, and halo, can be metaphorically aligned with Neoplatonic cosmology and higher-dimensional theories.

  1. Galactic Center: The supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way could symbolize The One, the source of gravitational influence.
  2. Spiral Arms: Representing the dynamic processes and star formation, these could correspond to the emanation of Nous, generating diverse forms and entities.
  3. Galactic Halo: Encompassing dark matter and halo stars, it reflects the unseen yet influential higher-dimensional aspects, akin to spiritual mechanics and angelic influences.


By integrating the Neoplatonic model with modern cosmological insights and speculative higher-dimensional theories, we can gain a richer understanding of the universe. These parallels offer a profound synthesis of ancient wisdom and contemporary science, highlighting the interconnectedness and complexity of existence from the material to the metaphysical realms.

Practical Applications and Meditations for Spiritual Growth and Alignment with The One

Individual Practices

Meditation on Unity

  • Purpose: To cultivate a sense of connection with The One and all of existence.
  • Practice: Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. Visualize a radiant light at the center of your being, representing The One. Imagine this light expanding, connecting with all life and the universe, dissolving the boundaries between yourself and the cosmos.

Hierarchical Reflection

  • Purpose: To align personal actions with higher principles.
  • Practice: Reflect daily on how your thoughts, words, and actions emanate from higher principles. Consider how they reflect the qualities of wisdom, love, and unity, akin to the emanation from Nous in Neoplatonism.

Gratitude Journaling

  • Purpose: To foster an appreciation for the interconnectedness of life.
  • Practice: Keep a journal where you write down things you are grateful for each day. Reflect on how these experiences connect you to others and the universe, enhancing your awareness of the interconnected nature of existence.

Societal Practices

Community Unity Projects

  • Purpose: To foster collective consciousness and cooperation.
  • Practice: Organize community activities that promote unity and collaboration, such as communal gardens, meditation groups, or collaborative art projects. These activities help individuals experience the collective soul and the interconnectedness of society.

Educational Programs on Higher Dimensions

  • Purpose: To expand awareness of higher-dimensional states and their implications.
  • Practice: Develop educational workshops and seminars that explore higher-dimensional consciousness, spiritual mechanics, and the interconnectedness of all things. Integrate scientific and spiritual perspectives to offer a holistic understanding.

Cultural Celebrations of Unity

  • Purpose: To celebrate the interconnectedness of all life.
  • Practice: Create festivals or cultural events that honor the unity of humanity and the universe. Incorporate music, art, and rituals that symbolize the emanation from The One and the interconnectedness of all levels of reality.

Advice for Civilizations

Global Meditation Initiatives

  • Purpose: To align global consciousness with higher principles.
  • Practice: Initiate worldwide meditation events where people simultaneously meditate on unity, peace, and interconnectedness. Use technology to synchronize these events, creating a global wave of higher consciousness.

Policies Reflecting Higher Principles

  • Purpose: To embed spiritual principles into governance and societal structures.
  • Practice: Advocate for policies that reflect values of compassion, wisdom, and unity. Encourage governments and organizations to consider the broader impact of their decisions on all levels of existence, fostering an ethos of interconnectedness.

Integration of Spiritual and Scientific Knowledge

  • Purpose: To bridge the gap between science and spirituality for holistic progress.
  • Practice: Promote interdisciplinary research and dialogue between scientists, spiritual leaders, and philosophers. Encourage the development of technologies and societal structures that reflect an understanding of higher-dimensional realities and the interconnected nature of the universe.

Meditative Exercises

Light Expansion Meditation

  • Purpose: To feel connected to The One and the universe.
  • Exercise: Visualize a light at your heart center. With each breath, expand this light outward until it encompasses the entire universe, feeling a deep connection to all that is.

Hierarchical Visualization

  • Purpose: To understand the emanative nature of reality.
  • Exercise: Visualize the hierarchical structure of the universe, starting from The One, descending through Nous and the Soul, down to the material world. Reflect on how each level influences and is connected to the others.

Sacred Geometry Contemplation

  • Purpose: To appreciate the geometric harmony of the universe.
  • Exercise: Meditate on sacred geometric shapes, such as the Flower of Life or Metatron’s Cube. Visualize these shapes as representations of the underlying order and unity of the cosmos.

By incorporating these practices, individuals, societies, and civilizations can align more closely with the principles of The One, fostering spiritual growth, development, and perfection.



NJ Solomon

Healthcare writer, philosophy, spirituality and cosmology. Retired psychiatrist. Photographer, author, journalist, husband, father, brother, son, Freemason ...