Brain Cellular Microtubules — A Potential Mechanism for Synthesising Concepts of Consciousness & Spirituality

NJ Solomon
11 min readJun 15, 2024


“Does it happen by chance? Is it all happenstance? Do we have any say in this mess? Is too late to make some more space? Can I speak to the architect? This life that we make, is it random or fate? Can I speak to the architect? Is there an architect?” Kacey Musgrave, The Architect

Orange Rose. Photograph by the author.

Fundamental Hypothesis

Multi-dimensional geometry, as a modelling tool, provides a structural “speculum” that allows the “primordial light of existence” emanating from the [Neoplatonic] “One” to become projected through the “Nous” and “World Soul” into this “prison” we call the material universe within which we are collectively living. We are (all of us across all of time) essentially the same soul but see the universe in specific times and places.

We propose that this effect of separateness comes from the higher geometrical structures found within our neuronal (and also bodily) cellular microtubules. These structures act like different camera lenses through which the primordial light of the One is projected and through which we all collectively continually see and photograph the world.

“The proposal is that consciousness depends on delicate quantum mechanical effects in the microtubules of the brain’s neurons.” — Sir Roger Penrose

“Microtubules seem perfectly designed to serve as repositories for consciousness and other forms of quantum processing.” — Stuart Hameroff


The idea that microtubules are central to human consciousness has been a subject of much debate and interest, particularly within the “Orchestrated Objective Reduction” (Orch-OR) theory.

The idea that microtubules play a critical role in human consciousness has been a subject of much debate and interest, particularly within the context of the “Orchestrated Objective Reduction” (Orch-OR) theory. This theory, proposed by theoretical physicist Roger Penrose and anesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff, suggests that quantum processes within microtubules are fundamental to the emergence of consciousness.

Left — Sir Roger Penrose, OM, FRS, HonFInstP (born 8 August 1931). With thanks to Festival della Scienza. Right — Stuart Hameroff with thanks to rZereshk

In This Article

In this article, we revisit our earlier speculation on consciousness, assuming it is a natural type of energy in the universe, just like heat. In an earlier article, we explored the possibility that a cellular mechanism, possibly the multidimensional connections between brain cells (neurones), might “resonate” with multidimensional strings on the Plank scale, thereby connecting the mind with the underlying structure of the universe.

We start by looking at the current science of Orchestrated Objective Reduction and cellular microtubules and then speculate how this fits in with our cosmology regarding more ancient ideas of the absolute reality of the universe as expressed by various philosophers, in particular the Neoplatonist Plotinus.

You may wish to review the below article first if you have not already done so:

Key Components of Orch-OR

Quantum Mechanics and Microtubules

Microtubules are cylindrical structures within neurons, composed of tubulin protein dimers. Orch-OR suggests that these microtubules can support quantum states, enabling quantum computation within the brain. According to the theory, tubulin proteins within microtubules can exist in coherent quantum superpositions, meaning they can be in multiple states simultaneously. This coherence is essential for quantum computation.

The theory incorporates Penrose’s idea of objective reduction, which proposes that gravity influences the collapse of the quantum wave function (the reduction of quantum superposition to a single state). This collapse is hypothesised to be a non-computational process and fundamental to consciousness.

The brain is thought to orchestrate these quantum processes through neurophysiological activities, such as regulating synaptic inputs, to maintain quantum coherence and facilitate objective reduction.

Quantum collapse, also known as wave function collapse, describes the process by which a quantum system transitions from multiple possible states (a superposition) to a single, definite state upon measurement or observation. Here’s a concise summary:

What is Quantum Collapse?

Before measurement, a quantum system (e.g., a particle) exists in a superposition, simultaneously occupying all possible states described by its wave function. When a measurement is made, the superposition collapses to one of the possible states. Probabilistic measurement outcome is determined by the wave function’s probability distribution. After the collapse, the system is found in a single, definite state. The process of collapsing is instantaneous and random, governed by the probabilities inherent in the wave function.


The wave function is a mathematical representation of the quantum state, encapsulating all possible states and their probabilities. Different interpretations of quantum mechanics (e.g., Copenhagen interpretation, Many-Worlds interpretation) offer various explanations for the nature and implications of wave function collapse.

All possible things that have happened, are happening, or could ever happen, are in a constant state of collapse, creating every moment that makes up every individual moment of our experience. Thus, the One becomes the Many, and we can be fooled into thinking we are separate. This is the physics underlying this illusion of existence.


The exact mechanism and nature of wave function collapse are still the subject of debate and research, but they form a central part of the quantum measurement problem. In essence, quantum collapse is when a quantum system’s potential states reduce to a single observed outcome, highlighting the interplay between probability, measurement, and reality in quantum mechanics.

Implications of Orch-OR

Penrose argues that classical computational models of the brain cannot fully explain consciousness. Orch-OR introduces a non-computational element through quantum processes and objective reduction. The theory suggests that quantum biology, particularly within microtubules, plays a crucial role in the emergence of consciousness. This challenges traditional views of consciousness as solely a product of neural networks and classical physics.

Controversy and Criticism

While Orch-OR is intriguing, it is also highly controversial and not widely accepted within the mainstream scientific community. Critics argue that the brain is too warm and noisy for delicate quantum states to persist, a concept known as decoherence. Empirical evidence supporting the theory is limited. Verifying quantum states within microtubules and their role in consciousness remains a significant experimental challenge. Orch-OR presents an innovative approach to understanding consciousness, blending principles of quantum mechanics with neurobiology. While it has sparked considerable debate and interest, it remains a speculative theory requiring further experimental validation. The proposal of microtubules as quantum processors adds a dimension to the ongoing quest to unravel the mysteries of human consciousness.

What are Cellular Microtubules?

Cellular microtubules are structural components of the cytoskeleton, playing critical roles in maintaining cell shape, enabling cellular transport, and facilitating cell division. Understanding their geometry is essential for appreciating how they function at a molecular level. They are cylindrical structures composed of tubulin proteins. The basic building blocks of microtubules are heterodimers of α-tubulin and β-tubulin, which polymerise to form a hollow tube.

This picture shows the structure of a microtubule filament which creates shape in an eukaryotic cell.
With thanks to: Lydiawc1020

Here are some key geometric characteristics:

Microtubules have an outer diameter of about 25 nanometers and an inner diameter of about 15 nanometers. Their cylindrical structure provides rigidity and resistance to compression, which is crucial for their role in maintaining cell shape. Microtubules typically comprise 13 protofilaments arranged in a helical pattern around the hollow core. Each protofilament is a linear chain of tubulin dimers that align parallel to the microtubule’s longitudinal axis. The arrangement of tubulin dimers forms a helical lattice, which gives microtubules their characteristic structure. The helical pitch, or the distance over which the helical pattern repeats, is an essential aspect of their geometry.

Higher-Dimensional Geometry and Microtubules

Let’s now speculate on the connection between microtubule geometry and higher-dimensional shapes, which involves delving into theoretical physics and mathematics. Some speculative and theoretical ideas propose possible connections:

Polyhedral Symmetry

The 13 protofilaments resemble a polyhedral arrangement. While not a perfect polyhedron, this number does evoke the possibility of deeper geometric principles at play. The helical arrangement and periodicity hint at a complex geometric pattern that, when projected into three dimensions, could be analogous to higher-dimensional constructs.

Higher-dimensional spheres, tetrahedra, cross-polytopes and n-cubes

In higher-dimensional geometry, spheres are generalised to n-spheres. Microtubules' ability to maintain a consistent cylindrical shape and resist deformation is a three-dimensional manifestation of properties is also found in higher-dimensional spheres. The stability and robustness of microtubules may metaphorically relate to the geometric stability of higher-dimensional spheres.

Tetrahedra and cubes are fundamental building blocks in three-dimensional space. Tetrahedra's duality properties (being self-dual) might offer insights into microtubules' self-assembling nature. The organisation of tubulin dimers into protofilaments and their helical assembly might be modelled using concepts from polyhedral geometry. The interaction of these basic shapes in higher dimensions, such as in a four-dimensional space (tesseracts and 4-simplices), provides a framework for thinking about the complex, dynamic arrangements within microtubules.

Cross-polytopes (or orthoplexes) are higher-dimensional analogues of the octahedron in 3D. The interplay between tubulin dimers could be conceptualised using the principles of higher-dimensional polytopes, providing a theoretical basis for their structural dynamics.

Speculative Connections

While the direct geometric relation between cellular microtubules and higher-dimensional shapes is largely speculative, exploring these ideas can inspire new approaches to understanding cellular structures. Using higher-dimensional geometric models can help develop new mathematical frameworks for studying microtubule assembly, dynamics, and stability.

Concepts from string theory and higher-dimensional spaces can be applied to biophysical studies of microtubules, potentially revealing new aspects of their behaviour at the quantum level. Integrating geometric and topological ideas from higher dimensions can aid in modelling the complex interactions within cellular systems, leading to a deeper understanding of cellular mechanics and processes.

However, while direct evidence linking microtubule geometry to higher-dimensional shapes remains elusive, the theoretical exploration of such connections can enrich our understanding of cellular structures and inspire innovative research methodologies.

Synthesizing Orch-OR and Neoplatonism. A Model for the Mechanics of Spirituality?

The speculative intersections of modern theories on consciousness, particularly the Orchestrated Objective Reduction (Orch-OR) theory, and the philosophical framework of Neoplatonism offer new possibilities. We can formulate novel speculations on how these concepts might converge by synthesising insights from the geometry of cellular microtubules, higher-dimensional mathematics, and Neoplatonic spirituality.

Quantum Coherence and the One

In Neoplatonism, the underlying Reality of the universe is structured in the following way:

  1. The One is the source of all existence and consciousness. It is completely outside of time and space and, above all, concepts of what we believe to be spiritual. It is outside and above any concept of ‘heaven’. This is expressed most beautifully in the Quran, where the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) tells us, “There is no God, but Allah.” In Judaism, it is equivalent to the “Yechidah”.
  2. The One then ‘projects itself’ into the “Nous” (Intellectual-Principle) from within as a reflection of itself. Still, outside of time-space, it provides a ‘reflection chamber’ where the One establishes the archetypes and forms. This is akin to the Kabbalistic (Jewish mystical framework) creation concept of Tzimtzum, which at the same “time” reflects itself in the sefirot. These archetypes later become condensed in the patterns of existence we see throughout our material universe through the lenses of the Nous, Spirit and Individual Soul. In Judaism it is equivant to the “Chayah”.
  3. The Nous then forms the “World Soul”. The World Soul is figuratively like the surface of water. This surface of “water” is experienced differently depending on whether you are under the surface, above or on the surface, or any combination of these. In Judaism, the World Soul is equivalent to the “Neshamah”.
  4. The World Soul then forms the “Individual Soul”. Before birth into the material universe, this Individual Soul is hermaphrodite. Between the World Soul and Individual Soul resides the Spirit or Ruach. It is like the heavenly angelic ladder seen by Jacob in his dream in the book of Genesis in the Bible. In Judaism, the individual soul is equivalent to the “Nefesh”.
  5. When conception occurs, the Individual Soul descends into the gendered embryo and, at birth, becomes a boy or girl. This completes the cycle of how the eternal heavens become manifest in the material universe, since when they become adults, a man and woman then “become as one”, and “cling to each other.” They create new life, like “Gods” themselves, and so the eternal life found in heaven becomes eternal evolution on the Earth in living things.

Orch-OR equivalents in Neoplatonism

As proposed by Orch-OR, quantum coherence within microtubules could be seen as a physical manifestation of the unity and interconnectedness described by the One, Nous, World Soul and Individual Souls.

The idea that quantum states within microtubules can exist in superposition until objectively reduced parallels the Neoplatonic idea of emanation from the One, where potentialities manifest into distinct realities. This can also be visualised figuratively as the superposition of the geometry found in three-dimensional and higher-dimensional polytopes and n-spheres.

Objective Reduction as Emanation

The process of objective reduction in Orch-OR, where a quantum superposition collapses into a definite state, might be likened to the Neoplatonic concept of emanation. Just as the One emanates the Nous (divine intellect) and further realities, the objective reduction could be seen as a moment of creation or the moment-by-moment perception of individual existence where potential conscious experiences actualise into a singular, perceivable reality.

Platonic Solids

Compared to our ideas on n-spheres and polytopes in all dimensions, the interaction of these Platonic Solid geometries might work in conjunction with some geometry found in the Dodecahedron and Icosahedron in the following series:

  1. Nothing becomes …
  2. A point in space (The One) becomes …
  3. A dodecahedron (Nous) becomes …
  4. An icosahedron (World Soul) becomes …
  5. A tetrahedron (The Spirit) becomes …
  6. A cross-Polytope (n-octahedron) becomes …
  7. An n-Cube becomes …
  8. Three-dimensional space
  9. Time is simply the 3 (or 4)-dimensional experience of individual souls interacting with each other within the higher world of eternity from which they eternally manifest.

This hierarchical geometric structure then becomes a metaphorical “shadow” we perceive in our three-dimensional world.

Microtubules as Vehicles of the Soul

Neoplatonists believed in the soul’s journey and its connection to the divine. Through their proposed role in Orch-OR, microtubules could be viewed as the physical structures that enable this connection. The quantum processes within microtubules might be the mechanisms through which the soul interacts with the physical body, aligning with the Neoplatonic idea that the soul bridges the material and the divine.

Higher-Dimensional Reality and the Hierarchy of Being

Exploring higher-dimensional geometry concerning microtubules suggests a complex, layered structure of reality. This mirrors the Neoplatonic hierarchy, where each level of reality is more abstract and unified than the one below it. The stability and robustness of microtubules are like a material analogue for the throne of the various layers of the soul, potentially explained by higher-dimensional spheres and polyhedra, which might reflect the Neoplatonic belief in the harmonious and ordered nature of the cosmos.

Consciousness as a Reflection of the Divine Mind

In Neoplatonism, the Nous is the divine mind that contains all forms and intelligences. If Orch-OR’s quantum processes within microtubules are foundational to consciousness, then the conscious experience could reflect this divine intellect. Microtubules' complex, self-organising nature might mirror the Nous’s role in organising and sustaining the intelligible realm.


The speculative synthesis of higher-dimensional geometry, Orch-OR theory with Neoplatonism, offers a novel framework for understanding consciousness and spirituality. By viewing microtubules as the physical structures enabling quantum processes that underlie conscious experience, we can draw parallels to Neoplatonic ideas of the One, emanation, and the soul’s connection to the divine. This interdisciplinary approach not only enriches our understanding of consciousness but also provides a bridge between modern science, ancient philosophical wisdom and spirituality.

Practical Application. Musical Meditation.



NJ Solomon
NJ Solomon

Written by NJ Solomon

Healthcare writer, philosophy, spirituality and cosmology. Retired psychiatrist. Photographer, author, journalist, husband, father, brother, son, Freemason ...

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