A Mathematical Theory for the Existence of Angels, Part 3: Summary of Parallels with Modern Communications Technology

Dr Nick "Schlomo" Stafford
3 min read3 days ago


In two earlier articles we speculated on the mechanisms by which angels might interact with the material world. In this briefer article we summarise modern communications technologies that use the same physical mechanisms.

This is part of a series of articles on a novel concept we are speculating on called “Spiritual Mechanics”. See more on this concept as articles are added:

Spiritual Mechanics

14 stories

Modern Communication Parallels

Based on the speculative articles regarding a mathematical theory for the existence of angels, which draw parallels between high-dimensional geometric shapes, consciousness, and information transmission, several modern communication technologies exhibit similar mechanisms:

Quantum Communication

  • Quantum Entanglement: This phenomenon allows particles to be entangled such that the state of one instantly affects the state of another, regardless of distance. This instantaneous connection reflects the idea of higher-dimensional communication between angelic entities.
  • Quantum Cryptography: Utilizes the principles of quantum mechanics to secure communication, akin to the theoretical perfect and unbreakable forms of communication suggested for angels.

Neural Networks and AI

  • Deep Learning Algorithms: Mimic the human brain’s neural networks, enabling machines to learn from data. This mirrors the concept of higher-dimensional consciousness and its interaction with human consciousness.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): Allows machines to understand and respond to human language meaningfully, similar to how angels might communicate across different languages and contexts seamlessly.

Biophotonics and Bioelectric Communication

  • Biophotonics: Studies how light interacts with biological materials. Hypotheses suggest cells might use biophotons (light particles) for communication, similar to the angelic use of light or energy as a medium.
  • Bioelectromagnetism: Involves the electric and magnetic fields produced by living cells, potentially leading to advanced communication methods reflecting angelic influences on physical reality.

The Internet of Things (IoT)

  • Interconnected Devices: IoT enables various devices to communicate and coordinate autonomously, resembling a network of angelic beings working in harmony to influence the physical world.
  • Smart Sensors: Gather and transmit data in real-time, mirroring how angels might gather and act upon environmental information.

Theoretical Mechanisms and Ideas

  • Hyperdimensional Communication: Suggesting that angels operate in higher dimensions, beyond our three spatial and one-time dimension, resonates with modern theories in physics, such as string theory, which posits additional dimensions.
  • Information Fields: From theoretical physics and information theory, the concept that information flow and transformation underpin all physical phenomena parallels how angels might influence the physical world through information fields.

Practical Applications

  • Mathematics and Geometry: Simplices (tetrahedrons) in industrial statistics and problem-solving, linear programming, and the geometric design of computer graphics reflect higher-dimensional shapes’ practical usage.
  • Data Science and AI: Higher-dimensional geometries underpin information management, machine learning, and artificial intelligence principles, providing a framework for understanding and potentially replicating angelic mechanisms.

These technologies and theories offer a framework for mapping modern scientific and technological advancements onto the concept of angelic operations, providing a fascinating intersection of science and metaphysical speculation.



Dr Nick "Schlomo" Stafford

Healthcare writer, philosophy, spirituality and cosmology. Retired psychiatrist. Photographer, author, journalist, husband, father, brother, son, Freemason ...